We have just introduced the Heatit range of Z-Wave Thermostats for electric underfloor heating systems from one of the world's leading heating companies - Thermofloor.
What's so special about Heatit?
Heatit are the first (and only) Z-Wave thermostats specifically designed for electric underfloor heating!
Adding Z-Wave control to electric underfloor heating (UHF) has always been difficult as most systems are designed to operate as a closed system. They often include a temperature sensor that is buried in the floor - the system's thermostat then monitors the floor and room's temperature; deciding if heat is actually required. Until now existing Z-Wave thermostats have been focused on boiler control and really weren't suitable for electric underfloor heating.
The Heatit thermostats are designed specifically for electric underfloor systems, they are based on Thermofloor's existing, highly-success heating products, now with the extended capabilities of wireless Z-Wave communication. The thermostats are wall mounted, can control systems up to 16A, monitor room and floor temperature, and can use standard floor temperature sensors. They are the perfect solution for adding smart control to your electric underfloor heating system.
Heatit Features:
- Wall mounted thermostat (requires live and neutral mains supply)
- Setpoint temperature can be controlled via Z-Wave
- Monitors room and floor temperature (reports to Z-Wave controller)
- Integrated internal "air" sensor for room temperature
- Can be used with two external temperature sensors
- Optional Heatit wired sensors available
- Includes 7-segment LED display
- Modes - On. Off, Comfort and Eco
- White and Black available
- Tested and working with Fibaro and VERA controllers
- Z-Wave Plus Certified
Vesternet Tested
We've been testing the Heatit thermostats - they work great with Fibaro and VERA controllers and now appear in our Z-Wave Compatibility Guide. We're also working on a full review, showing how they work on a real system and will include all the test results for the controllers - we aim to publish that early next week.
The full Heatit range is available in stock, ready to go now.
You may think with winter fading away and spring taking hold, you could pack your heating away. However, this is the perfect time to add Z-Wave control to your heating. It's still cold enough to need heat, meaning that you can test and tweak the system so it works just how you want it to. Much better to do it now than when it's snowing outside and your whole family are breathing down your neck wanting the heating on!
So take a look at the Heatit range and add smart heating to your home.
Speak to you soon.